Pomodoro or not to Pomodoro?

Hector Vidal
1 min readDec 9, 2020

Do you believe working to 25-minute mini-deadlines could be the secret to fixing your productivity problems? 📚

The answer for us is “yes”, according to a decades-old time-management technique called “Pomodoro” that’s now back again.

The beauty of the technique is in its simplicity. To stick to this time management technique, you only have to follow this tip:
The Pomodoro Technique dictates that you work on a task for 25 minutes, take a short break away from your desk, then sit back down and repeat until your to-do list is complete. In theory, the short bursts of activity punctuated with regular breaks enable greater focus on the task in hand, blocking out the increased number of distractions we’re faced with every day 🧐

Have you tried the Pomodoro Technique? Share your top productivity tips in this post 💭


